Professional Development Academy

The Professional Development Academy uses well-researched, experience-tested concepts and curricula to develop current and future leaders for business and industry and presents it in a flexible way allowing an organization to customize the academy to best meet their needs. Courses are four hours each and may include: (Please note that Communicating with Impact is a suggested prerequisite for all other courses.) Please click on the course name for more information. Click here to register.  

Please note that the Communicating for Leadership Success is a suggested prerequisite for many of the other classes.

DDI Microcourses

Addressing Poor Work Habits

Handling Emotion and Upset

Authenticity and Transparency

Helping Your Team Achieve High Performance

Boost Your Resilience

Influencing Others to Make Things Happen

Building Relationships

Interaction Skills Challenge

Building Rapport Virtually

Leading Self in Times of Crisis

Building Trust in Your Work Environment

Leading Virtual Meetings

Coaching Challenges: Tips from a Coach

Letting Go and Delegating More

Communicating Effectively to Improve Your Leadership Brand

Leveraging Diversity

Communicating Virtually

Making Accelerated Decisions

Creating a Coaching Culture on Your Team

On to the Next Adventure

Data Driven Decision Making

Overcoming Barriers to Productivity

Developing Individual Team Members

Preparing for Difficult Conversations

Discover Your Unique Coach Qualities

Resolving a Conflict You’re Involved In

Embracing Change


Ensuring Your Team Avoids Burnout

Stand and Huddle: Short Meetings that Address Team Challenges

Everyday Engagers

Strengthening Your Partnerships

Finding Control During Change

Strong Start

Giving Feedback for Improvement

The Power of Seeking

Giving Positive Feedback

Unconscious Bias

DDI Micocourses are short (approximately 15 minutes to complete), online opportunities to keep your leaders engaged no matter where they work for only $25 per course. Please visit: DDI World for course descriptions (click “Leaning Format” then “Microcourse”).  Please click here to register. 

The academy can be customized to meet your needs and other courses are available including in-person or virtual. For more information on courses that can be included visit DDI. Individual courses are $150/participant; group and business/industry partner discounts are available. ASU Three Rivers can also assist in applying for an Office of Skills Development (OSD) Workforce Training grant, which is a reimbursable grant program for business and industry.  If you would like more information or to customize the Professional Development Academy contact Scott Sikora , 501.332.0249.

DDI’s Interaction Management®: Exceptional Leaders (IM: ExLSM) series creates transformative development experiences for your frontline leaders.  IM: ExLSM engages learners throughout the whole experience as they participate in courses that are timely and relevant with connections to the challenges they face on the job.  IM: ExLSM also offers content, tools, and resources for organizations and managers that sustain learning because DDI understands that driving learning beyond a formal event leads to business impact.